
Professor Souvik Roy

Areas of Interest: Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Algebraic Graph Theory, Social Choice Theory, Probability Theory (diffusion processes, percolation and random matrix), Number Theory and Epistemic Game Theory.

Designation: Professor & Head, North-East Centre
Email: souvik.2004 [at] gmail.com, head.nec [at] isine.ac.in
IP Phone: 7011
Phone: 03712291658

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Dr. Mridu Prabal Goswami

Areas of Interest: Social Choice Theory, Auction Theory

Designation: Assistant Professor
Email: mridu [at] isine.ac.in
Phone: 7010

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Dr. Sanjit Maitra

Areas of Interest: Remote Sensing, Image Analysis and Interpretation

Designation: Assistant Professor
Email: sanjit [at] isine.ac.in
Phone: 7014

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Dr. Darpa Saurav Jyethi

Areas of Interest: Environmental Sciences, Aerosol Characterization:Health and Climate Implications

Designation: Assistant Professor
Email: darpa [at] isine.ac.in
Phone: 7015

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Dr. Kushal Banik Chowdhury

Areas of Interest: Macroeconometrics, Time Series Modeling, Panel Data Analysis

Designation: Assistant Professor
Email: kushal [at] isine.ac.in
Phone: 7017

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